JCMR Articles 10.2

ICTs, Public Relations and Brand Africa for Socio-Economic Development

February 21, 2020

Abstract African countries state of development in 21st century   has been rapid .The continent that was referred to as the dark continent...


African countries state of development in 21st century   has been rapid .The continent that was referred to as the dark continent is rising. Many global partners want a piece of the continent through investments or offering support for socio-economic development through  loans ,grants and even scholarships .However, the interest in the continent is not sustained because those who are interested are threatened with dire consequences  should they invest in or visit Africa (corruption, gender hunger,  illiteracy, general  insecurity,  terrorism ,violence and war ). This paper discusses the role of ICTs and their role in development. The issue here is not access but how they are used to create more negative than positive perceptions of the brand known as Africa .It is through ICTs that African identity is created through  cyber space and mobile telephone  based technologies .Media are seen as communication channels that  are used to create a corporate image for Africa which in return  promotes  development .New  media technologies access and usage are explored to demonstrate how they impact on development .Public relations is a tool that if well used can enhance brand Africa efforts .Examples from Kenya ,Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda ,South Africa and other African countries are used to demonstrate  the benefits ICTs. The  vigour  with  which  Africans  use the internet and mobile phone based technologies   for communication should lead to  a positive media portrayal of the continent. Suggestions are made on how African countries can take advantage of growth in ICTs to become more active players in the global market which in return will   bring about socio-economic development.

Key Words: ICT , Brand ,Development, Globalization ,Media

*Juliet W. Macharia is a Professor in the Department of Human Resource Development, School of Business, Karatina  University, Karatina, Kenya.

AMCRON Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, October 2018:   1 – 14


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