JCMR Articles 12.1

Media and Elections: Models, Approaches and Outcomes in Sierra Leone

September 19, 2020

Abstract The roles the media play in the electoral processes are diverse. They include providing information about the election to citizens, perform...


The roles the media play in the electoral processes are diverse. They include providing information about the election to citizens, performing the watchdog function on behalf of the public, and serving as the voice of the voters (Joseph, 2011). But while there is generic literature on the roles of the media in elections, there is a dearth of empirical studies on the models, approaches and outcomes of the precise roles media institutions have played in electoral processes in different countries. The study therefore investigated Sierra Leone’s media models and approaches to the country’s electoral processes in the elections. The key research question is: what models and approaches were used by two national media organisations, the Independent Radio Network (IRN) and the Media Reform Coordinating Group (MRCG) in covering, reporting and monitoring media performance during the 2018 elections. Methodologically, documentary and archival search and content analysis were done and interviews conducted..The conceptual and theoretical bases were informed by the agenda setting theory and the facilitative, collaborative, radical and monitorial roles of the media. The findings show that the media institutions did not only play negative roles in elections as perceived by many people, but set the agenda and positively facilitated, collaborated and monitored the electoral processes. The study recommends that such outcomes from the models and approaches used by the two institutions can be replicated in other countries.  

Key Words: Elections, Media and Elections, Media Monitoring, Conflict Sensitive Reporting

JCMR Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, April 2020, pp. 12-22

© Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria.

About the author

Francis Sowa, Ph.D., is a Lecturer at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone. His research interests are strategic media management, media law and regulation, media and peace building, human rights and elections.

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Article Citation

Sowa. F. (2020). Media and elections: models, approaches and outcomes in Sierra Leone. Journal of Communication and Media Research, 12 (1): 12 – 22.

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