JCMR Articles 2.2


Abstract This paper is a humble foray into the complex world of academic research. It is specifically intended for bourgeoning scholars, especially ...


This paper is a humble foray into the complex world of academic research. It is specifically intended for bourgeoning scholars, especially post graduate students who are unfamiliar with research procedure and academic writing. However, it might be of interest even to experienced academics, particularly those who supervise research students, for a lot of them often find themselves dealing with the issue raised in here. The paper is intended to help young researchers to realise that though academic research (especially PhD work) is an onerous task, it can be enjoyable and exciting,  when one is given due guidance and understands how he or she can navigate the  troubled waters of academia, often teeming with crocodiles and  venomous  snakes. It addresses the traditional debate between quantitative and qualitative research and proposes the best way to approach research. It also argues that the ontology of research threatens epistemology but that the two can successfully be reconciled.


JCMRJournal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, October  2010, 59 – 66 .


About the author

Letshwiti  Batlhalefi B. Tutwane is a Lecturer, Leicester Business Academy,  United Kingdom  and Tutor/Doctoral Student,  Centre for Mass Communication Research, University Leicester, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


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Article Citation

Tutwane, L. B. B. (2010): Ontology versus epistemology: a primer for young academic researchers. Journal of Communication and Media Research 2(2): 59 – 66.



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