JCMR Articles 8.2

Review Essay - Niyi Coker’s Ota Benga

March 30, 2020

Introduction Documentary films play an important role in recording some of the most atrocious activities of western inhumanity upon the people of Af...


Documentary films play an important role in recording some of the most atrocious activities of western inhumanity upon the people of Africa. Anti-colonialists documentary grew out of the crucial and urgent need to historicise colonial dominance on Africa, during the European scramble. The situation in the current postcolonial era, is a conscious departure from what operated at the time of the imperialist invasion-when the cinema technology began its systematic rise in Africa- such that “the conditions of colonialism ensured that it was not in indigenous hands, so that its capacity to reflect local subjectivities was repressed. The colonial had to recede before an African documentary voice could be heard”.


*Tunde Onikoyi is with the Department of Film and Photography Production, Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin,Nigeria.

JCMRJournal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, October 2016, 276 – 280


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