JCMR Articles 16.2

Social media influencers’ posts on abortion and consensus formation among young adults in Lagos, Nigeria

Abstract The collective actions and influence of both formal and informal social groups often determine the way an individual forms or adapts to con...


The collective actions and influence of both formal and informal social groups often determine the way an individual forms or adapts to consensus on different topics. However, few studies have been done on how social media influencers have contributed to the formation of consensus on abortion among young adults. This study therefore investigated the phenomenon among young adults in Lagos state, Nigeria. Using the propositions of Spiral of Silence and Group Think theories, this study employed qualitative Content Analysis and Focus Group Discussion methodologies.  Posts from five purposively selected social media influencers were analysed thematically, four FGD sessions involving 24 male and female students in a private university in Lagos were held. Findings indicate that selected influencers had limited focus on abortion. There was low engagement by followers with posts on abortion and a narrow gap between agreement and disagreement, indicating no dominant consensus regarding abortion on X. Changes in perception about abortion was still largely due to personal experiences or evolving views over time and participants worried about credibility of information provided by influencers. X should implement stricter guidelines and policies that prioritize the sharing of reliable information. Influencers should aim for neutrality, fact-check their articles, and avoid excessive personal bias.


Key Words: Social Media, Abortion, Consensus, Perception, Lagos.

About the Authors

  • Solomon Abiodun Oyeleye, Ph.D. is of the Department of Mass Communication, Caleb University, Lagos.

**  Chisom Stephanie Amaeshi is of the Department of Mass Communication, Caleb University, Lagos.



JCMR Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 16, No. 2, October 2024, pp. 42-53


© Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria (AMCRON).


Article Citation

Oyeleye, S. A. & Amaeshi, C. S. (2024). Social media influencers’ posts on abortion and consensus formation among young adults in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Communication and Media Research, 16 (2): 42-53.

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