JCMR Articles 2.2


Abstract This study set to look into the interplay of music, language and communication. Music whether sung or played is meant to be used for differ...


This study set to look into the interplay of music, language and communication. Music whether sung or played is meant to be used for different purposes. Music seems to be a three- dimensional activity – vocal, instrumental or both where instruments serve as accompaniment to voices. The interplay of music which talks about certain elements such as imitations, sequences, hocketting, minimalism, rhythm, melodic and harmonic changes among others have been critically looked into and solutions proffered to the esoteric language of music (especially absolute music) which is encoded for the understanding and comprehension of their coding system.   Subsequently, music which deviates from speech melodies and speech rhythms of tonal language tend to create problems of meaning and understanding for the listener.


JCMRJournal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, October  2010, 147 – 154 .


About the authors

*Dr. Joseph Ofori Ofosu, Ph.D, is a lecturer in the Department of Music, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.


**Joana Sackey Ofosu is a lecturer in the Department of Music, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.


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Article Citation

Ofosu, J. O. & Ofosu, J. S. (2010): The interplay of music, language and communication. Journal of Communication and Media Research 2(2): 147 – 154.


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