JCMR Articles 10.1

Volume of coverage, story types and prominence: A content analysis of Nigerian newspapers’ coverage of education news

February 21, 2020

Abstract Nigerian newspapers do not seem to give enough prominence to education news, and this is at variance with the affinity that exists between ...


Nigerian newspapers do not seem to give enough prominence to education news, and this is at variance with the affinity that exists between them. Thus this study examined the  relationship between education and the mass media, especially the newspaper,  and the benefits derivable from such synergy. The Content Analysis research method was used in this study which is hinged on the Agenda Setting Theory. Findings showed that newspapers gave adequate coverage to education news, but did not give adequate prominence. The study therefore concluded that if education news are given prominence it will draw the attention of education stakeholders to the problems in the education sector, which may in turn, lead to actions that will help to improve the standard of education in Nigeria. It recommends that newspapers should give priority to reporting education news, and that newspapers should give prominence to education news by reporting them on their front and back pages.

Key Words: News Coverage, Education, News, Newspaper, Nigeria.

*    Jammy Seigha Guanah is a Research Fellow at the Department of Mass Communication, University of Benin, Benin  City, Nigeria.

JCMR Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, April 2018,   103 – 114



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