JCMR Articles 11.1

Media relations, event management and the publicity process

Abstract The mass media have become very important and central to public life. The desire and struggle to capture the public mind has also become a ...


The mass media have become very important and central to public life. The desire and struggle to capture the public mind has also become a major preoccupation of not only politicians but all players and stakeholders in the interplay of power to control social resources. Individuals, groups and institutions now realize the importance of public opinion as an important factor in the way they are evaluated, judged or perceived. And the mass media play a significant role in opinion formation. However, as a result of the fierce competition for media access by the myriad of opinion moulders, a high level of expertise and professionalism has emerged to handle the publicity process. Public Relations professionals are the experts in the symbolic manipulation involved in the publicity process. This paper examines the strategies that should be adopted by public relations professionals in managing media relations.


Key Words: Mass Media; Public Relations; Media Relations; Event Management; Publicity.

*     Lai Oso, Ph.D. is a Professor in the School of Communication, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.

**  Eserinune McCarty Mojaye, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Mass Communication, College of Information and Communication Technology, Kwara State University, Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria.


© AMCRON Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, April 2019, pp. 98 – 104

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