JCMR Articles 12.1

The Internet as a Correlate of Migration to Foreign Nations by Youths in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria

September 19, 2020

Abstract Internet provides abundant global connectivity opportunity for people all over the world. It has killed distance and placed countries at ea...


Internet provides abundant global connectivity opportunity for people all over the world. It has killed distance and placed countries at each other’s door step. It provides information about different opportunities including migratory opportunities to foreign countries. Nigerian youths especially those in Edo and Delta States, exploit this opportunity to migrate outside Nigeria. Some migratory purposes and modes are legitimate and laudable while others are illegitimate and condemnable. This study is anchored on the Technology Acceptance Model, which explains reasons for the adoption and use of technology. The study uses survey method and questionnaire to gather the data. The cluster and simple random systems were used as sampling procedures. The study found that youths from Edo and Delta States are highly exposed to migration information on the Internet; the youths from these two states have high propensity to travel outside Nigeria because of migratory motivation from the Internet; and there is a significant positive correction between exposure to migratory information on the intention and the propensity for youths to migrate abroad. The study recommends that appropriate bodies should give the right orientation to the youths on the benefits and evil of using the Internet opportunities for migration outside Nigeria.

Key Words: Internet, Migration; Edo; Delta; Youths

JCMR Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, April 2020, pp. 94-100

© Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria.

About the author

*   Emmanuel Ufuophu-Biri, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Mass Communication and Journalism at the Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. He was the Head of Department, Mass Communication. He is currently the Director, Pre – Degree Programme in the University. His area of research interest is in print and broadcast journalism and the digital media

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Article Citation

Ufuophu-Biri, E. (2020). The internet as a correlate of migration to foreign nations by youths in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria. Journal of Communication and Media Research, 12 (1): 94 – 100.

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