JCMR Articles 13.1

Assessing the suitability of print IEC materials used in malaria prevention among rural dwellers in South-West Nigeria

Abstract  Malaria is a major health challenge in Nigeria and many studies have focused on various aspects of its prevention. However, scant att...


Malaria is a major health challenge in Nigeria and many studies have focused on various aspects of its prevention. However, scant attention has been given to the content of prevention information. Therefore, this study explored the content of printed IEC materials used in malaria prevention with a view to establishing their suitability for the rural dwellers in south-west, Nigeria. Content analysis and focus group discussion (FGD) methods of research were employed. While five IEC materials (one IPC Guide, one IPC flip chart, and three generic posters) were content analysed, 16 focus group discussions were held in primary health centres across the 16 rural communities selected for the study. Data were analysed using simple percentages, summative approach and the explanation building technique. Findings showed that the IPC Guide and two of the posters, ‘Take Good Care of Your Net’ (83.3%) and ‘NetSafe’ (83.3%) were considered suitable to a great extent while the IPC flipchart was considered suitable to some extent. Two of the cards of the flip chart and the ‘Disease prevention’ poster (36.1%) were found to be unsuitable for the rural audience. Although the narratives of the materials were deemed credible, most of the visuals were unacceptable to the rural audience. The participants perceived the illustrations as culturally insensitive. Findings have implications for malaria prevention message development. The content of IEC material for malaria prevention should be accurate, action-oriented, culturally sensitive and acceptable to the target audience.


Key Words:  Malaria Information, Malaria Prevention, Information, Education and Communication, Roll Back Malaria, Rural Dwellers


JCMR Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, April 2021, pp. 110 – 120

© Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria (AMCRON).


About the authors

*   Beatrice Adeyinka Laninhun, Ph.D. is a Reader, Department of Communication and Language Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

** Solomon Abiodun Oyeleye, Ph.D. is a Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Caleb University, Imota, Lagos, Nigeria.


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Article Citation

Laninhun, B. A. & Oyeleye, S. A. (2021). Assessing the suitability of print IEC materials used in malaria prevention among rural dwellers in South-West Nigeria. Journal of Communication and Media Research, 13 (1): 110 – 120.


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