What’s color got to do with it? Persuasive appeal for participation in COVID-19 vaccine trial in the United States

May 03, 2022

Abstract COVID-19 infectious disease has resulted in high disease morbidity and mortality. Consequently, multiple measures to halt the devastation o...


COVID-19 infectious disease has resulted in high disease morbidity and mortality. Consequently, multiple measures to halt the devastation of the virus are currently being implemented worldwide. Chief amongst strategies to viral containment is vaccine development and resultant population-wide immunizations to achieve herd immunity. In the US, COVID-19 vaccine researchers campaigned for participation in clinical trials through a variety of ways, including television commercials and print advertisements. A rhetorical-critical approach and discourse analysis of NBC News English print ad illustrates how language was crafted to persuade target minority populations to voluntarily participate in vaccine trials in the US. Analysis reveals that the campaign ad was constructed to establish credibility and debunk fallacy, arouse emotions of fear and hope, and maximize the campaign in a real-time COVID-19 situation. Findings underscore the need for effective communication, biomedical transparency, and racial harmony for health and wellbeing.


Key Words: Color Metaphor, COVID-19, Vaccine Trial, Campaign Advertisement


JCMR Journal of Communication and Media Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, April 2022, pp. 162-167


© Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria (AMCRON).


About the author

Nancin Dadem is a Ph.D. Student/Graduate Teaching Associate in the School of Communication Studies, Ohio University, Radio and Television (RTV) Center 181, Athens, OH 45701, USA. Nancin has worked for years conducting social research on critical issues that influence uptake, adherence, and retention of antiretroviral therapy in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. She has over two years’ experience in teaching undergraduate Communication Studies courses at Ohio University. Her primary research interest is focused on the promotion of preventive health behaviors in health communication.


Article Citation

Dadem, N. (2022). What’s color got to do with it? Persuasive appeal for participation in COVID-19 vaccine trial in the United States. Journal of Communication and Media Research, 14 (1): 162 – 167.


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