Manuscript Submission Guidelines
- Manuscripts should not be longer than 8000 words - notes and references inclusive, and must have an abstract of not more than 200 words and five key words..
- The abstract should be Informative. That is, it should clearly but briefly state the following: background/rationale; problem/issues examined (including research questions); details of method(s) used (including sample and sampling technique); results/findings; conclusion; and implication(s)/relevance of the study.
- The title and author's biographical details (name, university/department, address, position/title, telephone, e-mail) should be identified on the title page only. It is mandatory to supply telephone and email addresses.
- Author(s) names should be written in First name, Middle name, and Surname order (i.e. First name first, and Surname last). A brief bio of all authors, including areas of research interest, should be provided.
- Format: Font of body text should be Times New Roman Size 12. Alignment should be justified. Paragraphs should be indented with one tab (no block paragraphing). Line spacing should be 1.5 lines.
- Authors should be consistent in spelling - either American English or British English.
- Tables, Figures and Charts should be alluded to in the text while allusions to 'notes' should be indicated in superscript in the text. Notes should be presented as endnotes (i.e., at the end of the article, just before the References).
- Data should be presented and discussed with words and not with illustrations such as tables, figures and charts.
- Tables, figures and charts should be used minimally and sparingly; they should be used only to serve as further points of reference. In which case, even if such tables, figures or charts are removed, the flow of discussion will not be affected.
- Data, including tables, figures and charts should be interpreted and discussed by the researcher to provide a unified interpretation. Once the contents of tables, figures and charts are fully discussed, there is really no need to present such table/figure/chart in the article again.
- There should be a maximum of three tables and/or figures and/or charts in a manuscript.
- Referencing should follow the APA style and all references should be listed, in strict alphabetical order, at the end of the article.
- et al. can be used in in-text citations but not in end references. In end references, the names of all authors must be stated.
- In in-text citations, et al. must not be used at the first mention of a work. The surnames of all authors and year of publication must be stated in the first instance of a citation.
- Authors should be familiar with the standard and quality of articles published in the journal so as to minimize the chances of their manuscripts being rejected. Please endeavour to visit our website to access published articles.
- Manuscripts are to be submitted by email to jcmrjournal209@gmail.com (as Word document attachment using Microsoft Office Word).
- Before submitting a manuscript, please read the guidelines carefully again and ensure that the paper conforms to them all as non-conformity may lead to outright rejection.
- All manuscripts received shall be sent to two or more assessors on a blind review format.